Web Scrapping

This project scrapes on a real estate website. The website I use here is the real estate portal of Trulia, a registered Trademark of Zillow, Inc. Here are the steps I did. I used the results page from a simple search on Trulia website where I can specify some parameters (like zone, price filters, number of rooms, etc), but I will not give some parameters. To reduce the task time I just searched the real estate listings in New York. Then I used a command to reach ask for a response from the website. The result will be some html code, which I used to get the elements I want for our final table. After deciding what to take from each search result property, perform a loop function to open each of the search pages and perform the scraping.

Scraping is done in python. The libraries used are beautifulsoup, pandas, requests, and urllib. Scraping is performed by making HTTP request, getting the soup object and the attributes, making a data frame, and converting to csv file..